dedicated to the excellent performance of Lancashire Morris
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This was the first NW dance that Geoff Hughes, our Conductor, saw when it was performed at Wells Ring Meeting in 1965 by Manchester MM. The dance was led by Julian Pilling who had collected it and later revived Colne Royal Morris. A couple of years later Geoff learnt the dance directly from Julian Pilling and we dance it exactly as taught by him all this years ago.

Despite having performed the dance as a member of Manchester Morris Men in the mid 1970s Geoff only taught it to Rumworth in late 2019 and its first performance was delayed for a long time by the pandemic.

Like most traditional NW dances the pattern of he dance is fairly simple with a Step and Turn chorus between the figures. In this dance it is called Foot It and unusually isn't preceded by a Step Up which is performed only once at the beginning of the dance.

The first two figures consist of a Step Up movement facing in performed by each couple in turn and the second figure is a cross over figure for all eight dancers. The rest of the dance includes the usual pattern of figures in fours which are then repeated in eights (Corners and Chains) and also Outsides where each couple in turn performs a stepping sequence with the Leader before casting out and walking down outside the set. All dancers then dance back up to place. After the final Grand Chain the final Foot It is performed facing up instead of across the set.

Although only short, it's a very energetic and lively dance which is great fun to dance.